See why Avere CBD products are the best for all aspects of your health and lifestyle!

What is CBD?

CBD is one of 113 cannabinoids that have been identified in the cannabis plant. It was first isolated by the American chemist Roger Adams in 1940. Since then, an incredibly wide range of studies have been conducted on CBD’s numerous properties and the various ways in which it interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system. 

Today, thanks to the lengthy list of considerable health benefits that these studies have shown CBD to provide, CBD oils, balms, and other CBD products have become some of the most popular products in the natural health market. Avere uses CBD in our products because it’s a natural fit into every stage of life!

What is CBD?

CBD is one of 113 cannabinoids that have been identified in the cannabis plant. It was first isolated by the American chemist Roger Adams in 1940. Since then, an incredibly wide range of studies have been conducted on CBD’s numerous properties and the various ways in which it interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system. 

Today, thanks to the lengthy list of considerable health benefits that these studies have shown CBD to provide, CBD oils, balms, and other CBD products have become some of the most popular products in the natural health market. Avere uses CBD in our products because it’s a natural fit into every stage of life!

What are CBD's Benefits?

The benefits of CBD are incredible! CBD and the endocannabinoid system are being studied all the time by scientists for other systems they control and unlocking their new potential. 

In this way, CBD provides a range of noteworthy benefits, including: 

  • supporting a sense of calm
  • improving energy
  • regulating appetite
  • promoting a better metabolism
  • reducing discomfort
  • supporting the immune system
  • and helping promote better sleep.

What are CBD's Benefits?

The benefits of CBD are incredible! CBD and the endocannabinoid system are being studied all the time by scientists for other systems they control and unlocking their new potential. 

In this way, CBD provides a range of noteworthy benefits, including:

  • supporting a sense of calm
  • improving energy
  • regulating appetite
  • promoting a better metabolism
  • reducing discomfort
  • supporting the immune system
  • and helping promote better sleep.

What is the Endocannabinoid System and Why is it Important?

The endocannabinoid system is a naturally occurring system in your body, even if you don’t use cannabis products. In essence, this is a system of receptors and enzymes in your body that controls a number of bodily functions, like memory, appetite, mood, and discomfort. The best way to describe it is like a puzzle piece; Avere CBD products fit into the endocannabinoid receptors in your body like a puzzle piece 

The endocannabinoid system plays a vital role in regulating numerous biological processes- from:

  • Energy balance
  • Metabolism
  • Stress response
  • Functions of the Immune System
  • and beyond.

The manner in which CBD interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system is incredibly complex but can be summed up by saying that CBD supercharges and empowers this all-important system.

What is the Endocannabinoid System and Why is it Important?

The endocannabinoid system is a naturally occurring system in your body, even if you don’t use cannabis products. In essence, this is a system of receptors and enzymes in your body that controls a number of bodily functions, like memory, appetite, mood, and discomfort. The best way to describe it is like a puzzle piece; Avere CBD products fit into the endocannabinoid receptors in your body like a puzzle piece 

The endocannabinoid system plays a vital role in regulating numerous biological processes- from:

  • energy balance
  • metabolism
  • stress response
  • functions of the immune system
  • and beyond.

The manner in which CBD interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system is incredibly complex but can be summed up by saying that CBD supercharges and empowers this all-important system.

What is the Difference Between CBD and THC?

While THC and CBD are two out of the 113 cannabinoids present in the cannabis plant, the effects of these two cannabinoids on the human body could not be more different. In short, CBD is completely non-psychoactive — meaning you won’t get the “high” feeling. 

Instead, people who consume CBD may report feeling more relaxed thanks to its ability to reduce the body’s stress response. CBD is valued for the wide range of health benefits that it provides thanks to its ability to supercharge the body’s natural endocannabinoid system. 

However, THC is a psychoactive compound that is responsible for the “high” that most people experience when they consume marijuana. 

Your body makes endocannabinoids naturally, but supplementing it with products like Avere’s helps support you in your wellness journey. Think of it like a supplement routine: you are simply supporting what occurs naturally to keep your body in its top performance!

What is the Difference Between CBD and THC?

While THC and CBD are two out of the 113 cannabinoids present in the cannabis plant, the effects of these two cannabinoids on the human body could not be more different. In short, CBD is completely non-psychoactive — meaning you won’t get the “high” feeling. 

Instead, people who consume CBD may report feeling more relaxed thanks to its ability to reduce the body’s stress response. CBD is valued for the wide range of health benefits that it provides thanks to its ability to supercharge the body’s natural endocannabinoid system. 

However, THC is a psychoactive compound that is responsible for the “high” that most people experience when they consume marijuana. 

Your body makes endocannabinoids naturally, but supplementing it with products like Avere’s helps support you in your wellness journey. Think of it like a supplement routine: you are simply supporting what occurs naturally to keep your body in its top performance!

Why Avere?

Avere understands that we aren’t the only CBD company our customers have to choose from — but we know that we are the best for your lifestyle. Avere is a USA-based, family-owned company that places the health of our customers and the quality of our products as our most important priorities. 

Our products are specially formulated to help you reach your optimal performance, so we manufacture them in a state-of-the-art facility and third-party lab tested so you get only the best results of a quality product. We practice what we preach in all of our products; it’s crucial to us that we offer vegan, keto-friendly, gluten-free, products to meet all of your needs. 

We are incredibly proud that our products help so many people. Ensure that you are purchasing the best CBD products for all aspects of your health and lifestyle and let us welcome you to the Avere family!

Why Avere?

Avere understands that we aren’t the only CBD company our customers have to choose from — but we know that we are the best for your lifestyle. Avere is a USA-based, family-owned company that places the health of our customers and the quality of our products as our most important priorities. 

Our products are specially formulated to help you reach your optimal performance, so we manufacture them in a state-of-the-art facility and third-party lab tested so you get only the best results of a quality product. We practice what we preach in all of our products; it’s crucial to us that we offer vegan, keto-friendly, gluten-free, products to meet all of your needs. 

We are incredibly proud that our products help so many people. Ensure that you are purchasing the best CBD products for all aspects of your health and lifestyle and let us welcome you to the Avere family!